Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Fence Damage?

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Your homeowners insurance coverage for a damaged fence depends on the cause. The "other structures" coverage in your policy covers damage to your fence from storms and vandalism but not from lawn mower dings or landscaping gone wrong.Most policies cover a percentage of the policy's total coverage — usually up to 10%.

When is fence damage covered by homeowners insurance?

Coverage is based on how the fence damage happened, up to the policy's limits. Floods and earthquakes are excluded from standard coverage, so your fence damage wouldn't be covered for either.

Also not covered by standard home insurance: damage caused by mold, fungus, a termite infestation, a landscaping mishap or normal wear and tear to your fence. Roughly speaking, if your house isn't covered for a peril, neither is your fence.

The amount of coverage you have for structures other than your main dwelling is usually capped at 10% of your total policy coverage. For example, if you have $200,000 of coverage on your house, the insurance company would reimburse a maximum of $20,000 for "other structures."

Here are some situations where your fence damage should be covered by homeowners insurance:

Your tree falls on your fence

If a healthy tree on your land falls onto your fence, your home insurance will cover the damage. If the tree was already weak from lack of maintenance or negligence, they may choose not to cover the damage. Companies typically only cover accidents and consider a weakened tree a foreseeable and preventable issue. This makes it important to monitor the health of the trees on and near your property.

A neighbor's tree falls on your fence

If a neighbor's old, rotting or diseased tree falls and damages your fence, your company will hold them accountable for the damage, due to negligence. Depending on state law, though, a fence bordering a boundary line may make you and your neighbor equally responsible, with each of you paying half of the deductible for repairing the fence.

In either case, you'll still have to file a claim with your insurance company. They may look to your neighbor (or their insurance) to recover the costs. If you think your neighbor's tree poses a threat to your fence, let them know the tree requires maintenance. Cutting the tree down — or even doing a little pruning — could prevent damage and save both you and your neighbor from a future headache.

Storms or vandalism damage your fence

If wind from a storm knocks down or damages your fence, your insurance will cover the damage, up to your policy's limits. Your homeowners insurance will also cover a vandalized fence. File a police report if the damage was done by a person, rather than a storm or force of nature.

Someone's car crashes into your fence

You should be covered if someone crashes their car into your fence. You may be able to file a claim against the driver's property damage liability car insurance instead. It's required for drivers in every state and usually covers at least $10,000 of damage.

In addition, filing a claim against the driver's insurance can help cover the total costs if your homeowners policy comes up short. If it's your car that crashed into the fence, you won't be able to file a claim against yourself.

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What should you do before filing a claim for your fence?

When you notice your fence is damaged, take pictures before cleaning up or moving anything. Photographs help prove the damage was due to natural causes, vandalism or reckless driving. In the latter two cases, the police report will also serve as substantial proof.

Next, get a repair estimate from a contractor. If the estimate is less than your insurance deductible, you're probably better off skipping the claim and paying for the repairs yourself.

Why? Insurance policies have a deductible that you must pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in. Making claims also raises your homeowners insurance premiums, so it only makes sense to file a claim when repair costs are higher than your deductible.

If it does make financial sense to file a claim, the next step is to look over the "other structures" coverage in your home insurance policy. This section outlines when damage to your fence is covered and for how much. If you can't find this section, call your agent or insurance company for details.

How do you file a fence damage claim with your homeowners insurance?

Once you have pictures of the fence damage and a repair estimate, contact your insurance company and file a homeowners claim. Most companies let you do this by phone or online.

The agent will ask you a few questions about the damage (including the nature of the damage) to help you figure out if the repair cost is more than your deductible. Next, you'll be sent claim forms to fill out.

The company will then send out an insurance adjuster to assess the damage themselves and determine what, if any, damage is covered. Make sure you meet with the adjuster to point out any damage they might miss, and provide your pictures and police report, if there is one. It's also a good idea to provide pictures you may have of the fence before the damage.

After the adjuster's inspection, the insurance company will tell you how much they will pay for repairs. Remember that you can negotiate if you feel the company isn't offering enough. This is where an estimate from an independent contractor can come in handy.

If the claim is denied or the payout is unreasonable, the insurance company has to give you a reason. If you disagree, speak with the adjuster or your agent, or have another contractor or adjuster come out for a second estimate. Once you've reached an acceptable settlement, your insurance company may choose to make a partial payment before repairs begin and then pay the remainder when the repairs are finished.

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